11am on Saturday 5th Dec saw the official opening of the New Brough Harbour Path Steps & seats.
John Thurso gave presentation then introduced the ribbon cutters, the youngest & oldest inhabitants of Brough.
Hanna Broughton aged 3, & Ella Coghill aged 89.
Piper Cameron Halle played as the 60+ guests arrived, then when the path was opened, led a procession to the seating area.
With the gorgeous refreshments provided in the Lighthouse store, the musicians, Piper Cameron Halle, Joanne & Joe Kaar, Susanne & George, plus a tot of whisky provided by David Glass, it was no wonder that the guests lingered for a couple of hours.
Brough Bay Association also wishes to thank local contractors who gave their services / materials at a significant discount, and in some cases free of charge. Anthony Eastwood; Gordon Robertson; A & W Sinclair; Caithness Stone Industries; Subsea 7.
The construction was made possible because of the financial assistance from 'PATHS FOR ALL',
And the hard work of almost 30 volunteers who constructed the path, steps & installed the seats.
Thanks also to John Thurso for giving the presentation, and also Moira Land who allowed us to use the Lighthouse store, and all those who attended the opening and making it a great success.
Here are a few pics by Keith Parkes - thanks Keith. If you have any of the opening we would appreciate them.