
10 Sept 2017

Super Sounds from Susie Simpson ...

Brough Bay was alive to the sound of music last Saturday as we held our annual Bothy Night for around 60 local residents and friends.  The guest musicians were the Inverness-based Susie Simpson Trio of two accordions & fiddle and they treated everyone to a wonderful evening of music.

The sunshine on the sea and the cletts provided the perfect backdrop to the delicious supper provided.

 Convivial conversation.

Coffee, cake and the Cletts 

Local musicians joined in to make the evening go with a swing!
Guitars, Flute, Fiddles, Banjo and Clarsach.

Many thanks to the Spirit of Caithness who supported this event. 

2 Sept 2017

Another brilliant bothy night

No doubt others will be posting photos here, but I claim the right to be first! It was a double pleasure to me to be back at Brough Bay and seeing my friends since I have been away for some time.  The music was lovely, and the night was perfect for exploring the beach as the tide came in.
And to top it all off-- a lovely supper. Brilliant.